
Weekly Minimums: Building Accountability and Habits for Success in Soccer



Weekly Minimums: Building Accountability and Habits for Success in Soccer

In the journey toward success, whether in sports, academics, or life in general, the concept of “weekly minimums” is essential. Weekly minimums represent the baseline activities and habits that you commit to completing every week, no matter what. These aren’t your goals; they are the non-negotiable tasks that build the foundation for achieving those goals. They are the habits that, when adhered to consistently, will lead to significant growth over time. In soccer, defining and committing to your daily and weekly minimums can be the difference between remaining stagnant and reaching your full potential.

Understanding Your
Weekly Minimums

Do you know what your weekly minimums are? Many athletes don’t. They have lofty dreams but no clear plan on how to reach them. Establishing your minimums requires self-awareness and honesty. What are the essential activities that will push you forward in your development as a soccer player? These activities must be achievable yet challenging enough to ensure growth.

Example Weekly Minimums
for Competitive Soccer Players

For a youth soccer player, especially during the off-season, a solid set of weekly minimums might look like this:

Training Sessions

Commit to 2 to 3 individual training sessions with a trainer or in a small group for at least one hour each. These sessions should focus on honing technical skills, improving tactical awareness, and working on weaknesses.

Fitness and Conditioning

Dedicate two sessions of 30 minutes each to fitness, gym work, or yoga. These workouts should focus on building strength, improving balance, and enhancing overall fitness to prevent injuries and improve performance on the field.

Journal Entry

Write at least one journal entry each week. Reflect on your training sessions, fitness progress, and mindset. Documenting your journey allows you to see your progress over time and helps identify areas that need more focus.

Watch a
Professional Game

Study 1 professional soccer game each week. Take notes on player movements, tactics, and decision-making. This is not just about watching the game for entertainment but analyzing it to improve your understanding of high-level play.

Nutrition Education

Learn about proper nutrition by reading 1 to 2 articles per week. Understanding how to fuel your body correctly is crucial for performance, recovery, and overall health.

The Power of Consistency

Imagine committing to these weekly minimums for one year. What could you achieve? Your technical skills would improve, your physical fitness would increase, and your understanding of the game would deepen. Now, imagine maintaining this commitment for two years, then three. The cumulative effect of consistently hitting your minimums is powerful. You would see substantial improvements in your skill level, strength, mindset, and overall development as a soccer player.

Youth Players vs. Professional Players

It’s important to note that weekly minimums will vary depending on the level of play. A youth soccer player’s minimums will differ from those of a professional player. For youth players, the focus might be more on developing basic skills and building physical fitness. In contrast, a professional player’s minimums could include more advanced tactical training, intensive fitness regimes, and recovery protocols. However, the principle remains the same: define your minimums, stick to them, and let the habits you build lead you to success.

The Role of Journaling

Journaling plays a key role in the concept of weekly minimums. It’s a tool for self-reflection and accountability. By writing down your experiences, challenges, and progress, you create a record that you can look back on to see how far you’ve come. Journaling also helps to solidify the learning process, as writing things down can reinforce what you’ve learned and help clarify your thoughts.


Weekly minimums are about being accountable to yourself. They are the habits that you build to ensure success, not just in soccer but in any area of life. By setting and sticking to your weekly minimums, you create a foundation for long-term growth and development. Whether you’re a youth player aiming to improve or a professional looking to maintain peak performance, defining your minimums is the first step toward achieving your goals. Commit to them, track your progress, and watch as you transform not just as a player but as a person.