
Youth Soccer Spacing Drills: Mastering Space and Movement for Young Players



Youth Soccer Spacing Drills: Mastering Space and Movement for Young Players

One of the most common challenges in youth soccer is teaching young players how to spread out and maintain space on the field. Children naturally gather around the ball, leading to a crowded field where passing, moving, or making plays is hard.

Youth soccer spacing drills help players understand the importance of maintaining proper distance from teammates and opponents, opening space for better passing, movement, and goal-scoring opportunities. In this article, we’ll explore youth soccer drills for spacing and why they’re essential for young players to learn.

Spacing in Youth Soccer

In soccer, spacing refers to the distance between players on the field. When a team has good spacing, players are spread out to allow for easy passing, intelligent movement, and a more robust team shape. With proper spacing, players get too close to each other, making it easier to pass and leading to crowded situations.

For young players, spacing is especially difficult to master because they naturally tend to follow the ball, forming clusters. However, with the proper youth soccer drills to help with spacing, young players can learn to spread out and work as a team. Spacing improves overall play, keeps the game flowing, and allows players to develop their soccer intelligence.

Why is Spacing So Important?

In soccer, spacing is more than just staying apart; it’s about creating opportunities. Good spacing allows players to:

  • Pass the ball more effectively
  • Move into open areas to receive the ball
  • Create scoring chances by drawing defenders out of position
  • Maintain team shape, which helps both in attack and defense

Youth soccer space and movement drills help young players understand these concepts by making them more aware of where they are on the field with their teammates and opponents. When players maintain proper spacing, moving the ball and controlling the game becomes more accessible.

Youth Soccer Spacing Drills

To teach proper spacing, coaches can use a variety of drills that focus on spreading players out and helping them understand their positioning on the field.

Pinwheel Passing Drill

One of the most effective and influential drills for improving spacing is the Pinwheel Passing Drill. Here’s how it works:
  • How to Set It Up

  • Arrange 10 players in a circular formation. Each player should be spread evenly in a circle, about 10-15 yards apart.
  • Objective

  • Players pass the ball to each other in a circle, focusing on keeping their distance and making accurate passes. After each pass, players must move slightly to receive the next pass, but they must maintain their spacing.
  • Benefits

  • This drill teaches young players to stay spread out and find space. It also improves passing skills and movement. It’s one of the best youth soccer drills for spacing and helps players avoid the common problem of gathering around the ball.

Lane Spacing Drill

The Lane Spacing Drill is another excellent drill to teach spacing in youth soccer:
  • How to Set It Up

  • Divide the field into three vertical lanes. Assign players to stay in their specific lanes while playing small-sided games (like 4v4 or 5v5).
  • Objective

  • Players must stay in their lane during the game, focusing on passing and moving within their area. This helps players understand how to use the width of the field.
  • Benefits

  • The drill teaches players to maintain their positions and avoid overcrowding the ball. It helps young players learn to keep the field broad and use space effectively.

4v4 Mini Games with Cones

This drill is simple but effective for teaching spacing:
  • How to Set It Up

  • Mark zones on the field using cones. Each player must stay within their zone while playing a small-sided game like a 4v4 mini-game.
  • Objective

  • Players learn to move and pass while maintaining their position in the zone. This keeps the game organized and prevents overcrowding.
  • Benefits

  • This drill develops the concept of staying spread out and not chasing the ball. It’s perfect for teaching young players to maintain their spacing during games.

Triangle Passing Drill

Another great drill for youth soccer creating space drills is the Triangle Passing Drill:
  • How to Set It Up

  • Arrange three players in a triangle formation, with about 10 yards between each player.
  • Objective

  • Players pass the ball quickly between each other, moving to open space after each pass. The focus is on fast, accurate passing and constant movement to maintain spacing.
  • Benefits

  • This drill helps players improve their passing, movement, and ability to find space on the field. It’s a fundamental youth soccer drill to improve spacing and is simple enough for all ages.

Youth Soccer Drills to Improve Spacing for U10 soccer players

At the U10 level, players are still developing basic soccer skills, and spacing can be difficult to understand. It’s common for young players to chase the ball, which leads to them crowding around it and losing the team shape. Teaching spacing early, through youth soccer creating space drills, is critical to helping these players better understand the game.

Good spacing helps U10 players:

  • Learn to think ahead
  • Make quicker decisions with the ball
  • Understand how to move off the ball
  • Build confidence in their passing and movement

3v3 Grid Game

A drill to teach spacing to younger players is the 3v3 Grid Game:
  • How to Set It Up

  • Set up a small field divided into grids (3-4 grids). Each player must stay within their grid while passing, moving, and defending.
  • Objective

  • Players learn to stay within their grid, which forces them to think about their positioning and spacing. It encourages them to find open space to pass and move the ball.
  • Benefits

  • This is one of the most influential youth soccer drills for improving spacing because it keeps players disciplined in their movement and teaches them how to find and create space while playing.

Zone Defense Drill

For teaching spacing on both the defensive and offensive side, the Zone Defense Drill is highly effective:
  • How to Set It Up

  • Divide the field into zones (3-4 zones). Defenders must stay in their zone, while attackers try to create space by moving between zones.
  • Objective

  • Defenders focus on keeping their shape, while attackers learn how to use gaps in the defense by moving into space.
  • Benefits

  • This drill helps players understand the importance of maintaining defensive structure while learning how to create space in attack. It’s an essential youth soccer drill for maintaining defensive and offensive spacing.

Advanced Youth Soccer Creating Space Drills

As players develop their soccer skills, more advanced drills are needed to teach them how to create space in more complex game situations. Here are two advanced youth soccer-creating space drills:

Creating Space in Attack (Positional Play)

This drill helps players learn how to use space in attacking situations:
  • How to Set It Up

  • Set up a 5v5 game where attackers focus on creating space to receive the ball.
  • Objective

  • Attackers must move into open spaces and pass to each other while defenders try to block their movement. The goal is to teach attackers how to pull defenders out of position and create space.
  • Benefits

  • This drill improves attacking movement and helps players think strategically about using space in the field’s final third.


Teaching young players the importance of spacing is essential in their development as soccer players. By using these youth soccer spacing drills, coaches can help players learn how to move, pass, and maintain their position on the field. Spacing is more than just about staying apart—it’s about understanding the game and making intelligent decisions. With consistent practice, these drills will help young players become more confident, aware, and effective on the soccer field.


Why is spacing important in youth soccer?

Spacing helps players pass the ball more efficiently, and gives them more room to move and create scoring chances. It also keeps the team organized on the field.

How can I teach my players to spread out?

Use youth soccer drills, such as grid or lane drills, to help with spacing. These drills encourage players to maintain distance and stay in their positions.

What are the best drills for U10 players?

The 3v3 grid game and zone defense drill are great U10 soccer spacing drills. They teach young players to stay in their positions and move into open spaces.

How do I stop my team from bunching up?

Using drills to teach spacing in youth soccer, such as the lane spacing drill, will help players learn how to spread out and avoid gathering around the ball.

What are some advanced spacing drills for youth soccer?

Advanced drills, such as the overload and switch drill and positional play drill, teach players how to outsmart defenders and create space in attacking situations.

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