
17 Essential Youth Soccer Confidence Building Drills to Boost Performance

Essential Youth Soccer



17 Essential Youth Soccer Confidence Building Drills to Boost Performance

Confidence is a crucial aspect of any soccer player’s development, especially for youth soccer players. Building confidence helps youth soccer players perform better under pressure and take decisive actions. This article outlines various youth soccer confidence drills designed to boost confidence in youth soccer players. These drills are designed to help players gain confidence in their skills, whether they are attackers, midfielders, or defenders.

Building Confidence in Youth Soccer Players

Confidence in youth soccer players comes from both mental and physical preparation. When young players feel confident, they are more likely to take risks, which can lead to creative and effective play. Coaches play a crucial role in building this confidence through encouragement, positive feedback, and drills that focus on skill development.

Importance of Building Confidence in Youth Soccer Players

Confidence is essential in soccer. When youth soccer players believe in their abilities, they perform better and make quicker, more decisive actions. Building confidence in youth soccer players can help them enjoy the game more and contribute effectively to their teams. Using specific youth soccer training drills to build up confidence can make a significant difference in a young player’s development. 

Basic Youth Soccer Training Drills to Build Up Confidence

Starting with basic youth soccer confidence building drills helps young players build a foundation of skills and confidence. These simple but effective drills improve fundamental soccer skills.   

No Pressure Dribbling Drill

This youth soccer ball dribbling drill allows players to focus on their dribbling skills without the pressure of losing possession. It’s a simple way to help beginners feel more comfortable with the ball at their feet. The absence of defenders means players can concentrate on their technique, ensuring they develop a solid foundation in ball control.
  • Method

Dribble through cones without any defenders.
  • Benefits

Improves ball control and builds confidence in handling the ball.

Passing Accuracy Drill

Accurate passing is fundamental in soccer. This youth soccer passing drill helps players practice their passing in a controlled environment, allowing them to develop confidence in their ability to deliver precise passes during a game.
  • Method

Pass the ball back and forth with a partner, aiming for targets.

  • Benefits

Enhances passing accuracy and builds confidence in making successful passes. 

Soccer Drill to Boost Attacker Confidence

For attackers, confidence is key to taking on defenders and scoring goals. These youth soccer attacking drills focus on building the skills attackers need to be successful and confident.

Unopposed Shooting Drill

By practicing shooting without defenders, players can focus on their technique and build confidence in their ability to score. This drill helps attackers perfect their shooting form and improve their accuracy, leading to greater confidence in match situations. 

  • Method

Players take shots on goal without any defenders.

  • Benefits

Enhances shooting skills and builds confidence in scoring. 

One-on-One Finishing Drill

This drill simulates game-like scenarios where attackers need to beat the goalkeeper, helping them gain confidence in critical situations. It teaches players how to stay calm and make smart decisions when faced with a scoring opportunity.

  • Method

Players face a goalkeeper one-on-one and attempt to score.

  • Benefits

Builds confidence in finishing under pressure. 

Combination Play Drill

Combination play is essential for breaking down defenses. This drill helps attackers work with their teammates to create and capitalize on scoring chances, building confidence in their ability to execute complex plays.

  • Method

Attackers combine with midfielders to create scoring opportunities.

  • Benefits

Enhances teamwork and builds confidence in creating and finishing plays. 

Soccer Confidence Drills for Ball Control

Good ball control in youth soccer players is fundamental for confident play. These soccer confidence drills focus on improving ball handling and control.

Close Control Cone Drill

Dribbling through tightly spaced cones requires players to maintain close control of the ball, which builds confidence in their dribbling abilities. This drill encourages players to make precise touches and improve their footwork.
  • Method

Dribble the ball through closely spaced cones.

  • Benefits

Enhances close ball control and agility. 

Juggling Challenge

Juggling helps players develop a better feel for the ball, boosting their confidence in controlling it during games. It also improves their ability to keep the ball off the ground, which is a valuable skill in many game situations.

  • Method

Players juggle the ball for as long as possible.

  • Benefits

Improves touch and coordination, building confidence in ball handling. 

Ball Mastery Drills

Ball mastery drills help players become comfortable with different ways of manipulating the ball. This versatility builds confidence, as players know they can control the ball in various situations.
  • Method

Practice various ball control techniques, such as toe touches, sole rolls, and inside-outside touches.

  • Benefits

Improves overall ball control and builds confidence in handling the ball under different conditions. 

Soccer Confidence Drills for Defenders

Defenders also need confidence to make tackles and clearances effectively. These drills focus on building the skills defenders need to be successful.

Defensive Shadowing Drill

This drill helps defenders practice their positioning and learn to read the game without the immediate pressure of having to tackle. It teaches them how to stay close to attackers and anticipate their movements.
  • Method

Defenders shadow attackers without tackling, focusing on positioning.

  • Benefits

Builds confidence in defensive positioning and decision-making. 

Tackling Confidence Drill

Practicing controlled tackles helps defenders gain confidence in their ability to win the ball. It ensures they can make effective tackles without committing fouls, which is crucial for maintaining possession and preventing scoring opportunities.

  • Method

Controlled tackling practice with a partner.

  • Benefits

Improves tackling technique and confidence in defensive actions. 

Clearance Drill

Clearing the ball effectively is a key skill for defenders. This drill helps players practice making strong, accurate clearances under pressure, building confidence in their ability to protect their goal.

  • Method

Defenders practice clearing the ball from dangerous areas.

  • Benefits

Builds confidence in making decisive clearances. 

Small-Sided Games for Building Confidence

Small-sided games are excellent for boosting confidence as they involve more touches and decisions per player.

3v3 or 4v4 Matches

These games ensure that every player is involved and gets plenty of opportunities to practice their skills. The smaller teams mean more frequent touches of the ball and more direct involvement in the game, which helps build confidence.
  • Method

Small-sided games focusing on maximizing touches and involvement.

  • Benefits

Encourages players to take on roles and responsibilities, building confidence in game situations. 

Possession Games

Possession games help players become more comfortable with the ball and improve their ability to make quick decisions. By maintaining possession, players build confidence in their ability to control the game and dictate play.
  • Method

Keep possession of the ball within a small area.

  • Benefits

Improves passing, control, and decision-making, boosting overall confidence. 

Attack vs. Defense Games

These games help players focus on their specific positions and build confidence in their roles. Attackers learn to break down defenses, while defenders practice stopping attacks, both gaining confidence in their abilities.

  • Method

Set up small-sided games where one team focuses on attacking and the other on defending.

  • Benefits

Builds confidence in specific roles and responsibilities. 

Soccer Drills for Confidence in Goalkeepers

Goalkeepers need specific youth soccer goalkeeping drills to build their confidence in handling and saving the ball.

Catch and Hold Drill

This drill helps goalkeepers practice their catching technique and build trust in their ability to hold onto the ball. Consistent practice with different types of shots builds confidence in their handling skills.

  • Method

Goalkeepers catch and hold shots from various angles.

  • Benefits

Builds confidence in handling the ball and making saves.   

Penalty Saves Drill

Practicing penalties helps goalkeepers gain confidence in one of the most stressful aspects of the game. By repeatedly facing penalties in practice, goalkeepers learn to stay calm and focused under pressure.

  • Method

Practice saving penalties in a controlled environment.

  • Benefits

Enhances confidence in high-pressure situations. 

Crosses and Corners Drill

This drill helps goalkeepers practice catching and punching away crosses and corners. It builds confidence in their ability to deal with aerial threats and organize their defense.

  • Method

Goalkeepers practice dealing with crosses and corner kicks.

  • Benefits

Builds confidence in handling aerial balls and commanding the penalty area. 

Mental Strategies to Build Soccer Confidence

Building confidence isn’t just about physical drills; mental strategies are also crucial.

Positive Self-Talk

Teaching youth soccer players to speak positively to themselves can help reduce nerves and boost confidence. Phrases like “I can do this” and “I am a good player” can make a significant difference in a player’s mindset.

  • Method

Encourage players to use positive affirmations before and during games.

  • Benefits

Reduces anxiety and builds self-belief. 

Visualization Techniques

Visualization helps players prepare mentally for games by imagining successful actions and positive outcomes. This mental rehearsal can boost confidence and readiness.
  • Method

Players visualize successful plays and outcomes.

  • Benefits

Enhances confidence and mental preparation for games. 

Goal Setting

Setting and achieving goals helps youth soccer players see their progress and builds confidence. Coaches can help players set realistic, attainable goals to keep them motivated and focused.

  • Method

Set achievable short-term and long-term goals.

  • Benefits

Provides motivation and a sense of achievement, building confidence over time. 

Incorporating Confidence Drills into Training Sessions

Incorporating these youth soccer confidence building drills into regular training sessions can help players consistently build their confidence.

Warm-Up Confidence Drills

Beginning with confidence-boosting drills can help players start training on a positive note. Warm-up drills that players are familiar with can help reduce anxiety and build confidence from the outset.
  • Method

Start sessions with simple confidence-building exercises.

  • Benefits

Sets a positive tone and prepares players mentally and physically. 

Cool-Down Confidence Drills

Ending with drills that reinforce confidence helps players retain the positive aspects of their training session. Reflecting on what went well can help players leave practice feeling accomplished and confident.
  • Method

End sessions with reflective and reinforcing drills.

  • Benefits

Helps players consolidate their learning and leave on a high note. 

Progressive Training

Progressive training involves starting with basic youth soccer confidence building drills and gradually increasing the difficulty as players’ skills improve. This method helps players consistently develop their abilities without becoming overwhelmed.

  • Method

Gradually increase the difficulty of drills as players improve.

  • Benefits

Ensures continuous development and challenges players.


Building confidence in youth soccer players is essential for their development and enjoyment of the game. By incorporating a variety of youth soccer confidence building drills into their training routines, players can improve their skills and gain the confidence needed to perform well under pressure. Whether they are attackers, defenders, or goalkeepers, these drills provide a structured and effective way to build and refine their confidence.


How do you train confidence in youth soccer players?

To train confidence in youth soccer players, use specific confidence building drills that focus on skill development and positive feedback. Coaches should provide encouragement and create a supportive environment where players can practice without fear of making mistakes. 

How can I gain confidence in dribbling the ball?

Gain confidence in dribbling by practicing drills like the close control cone drill, where you weave through tightly spaced cones. Consistent practice improves your ball control and helps you feel more secure while dribbling.

How can I be confident with the soccer ball?

To be confident with the soccer ball, regularly practice ball mastery drills such as toe touches and inside-outside touches. This builds your comfort level with different ball-handling techniques, enhancing your overall control and confidence.

How do you defend in soccer with confidence?

Defend confidently by focusing on drills like the defensive shadowing drill, which helps you practice positioning and anticipation without immediate pressure. Consistent practice builds your defensive skills and confidence in your ability to stop attackers.

How do we be confident like professional soccer players?

To be confident like professional soccer players, combine physical practice with mental strategies such as positive self-talk and visualization. Set achievable goals and visualize successful plays to boost your confidence and mental preparation for games.

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