
Ultimate Guide to Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills



Ultimate Guide to Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills

Youth soccer give-and-go drills are essential for young players to enhance their passing accuracy, teamwork, and quick decision-making. Whether you’re coaching U8, U9, U12, or any other youth age group, these drills will help your players develop crucial skills. This comprehensive guide provides the basics of give-and-go drills, age-specific adaptations, and practical applications to make your training sessions more effective and engaging.

What is a Give and Go?

A give-and-go is a simple yet effective soccer technique in which a player passes the ball to a teammate and immediately moves to receive a return pass. This move helps maintain possession and creates opportunities for attacking plays. It’s a fundamental part of youth soccer drills that every young player should master.

Importance of Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills

The give-and-go is not just about passing the ball; it’s about movement, timing, and understanding the game’s flow. It’s a building block of offensive teamwork, allowing players to create space and exploit defensive gaps. Mastering this technique through youth soccer give-and-go drills can significantly improve a young player’s ability to play in a team-oriented system and adapt to various game situations.

Basic Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills Setup

The right setup for youth soccer give-and-go drills is crucial for effective practice. Ensure the playing area is safe and free from obstacles. Using cones to mark boundaries helps players understand the space they are working within and adds discipline to the drills.

Players Required

Typically, you will need 6-8 players for these drills. This number allows for effective practice and ensures that each player gets ample opportunity to participate and learn.

Playing Area

Set up small grids, approximately 7×7 yards, marked with cones. This defined space helps players focus on their movements and passes within a controlled area, simulating game-like conditions in a manageable setting.

Equipment Needed

You’ll need soccer balls and cones to mark the playing area. Optionally, small goals can be used for drills that incorporate shooting practice. Having the right equipment ensures that the drills run smoothly and effectively.

Essential Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills

Youth soccer give-and-go drills are fundamental for developing key skills such as passing accuracy, teamwork, and quick decision-making. These drills help players understand the importance of movement and coordination, which are crucial for effective gameplay. These drills can be adapted to suit different age groups and skill levels.

Basic Give and Go Drill

The basic give-and-go drill is a foundational exercise that helps young players grasp the importance of movement after passing. By constantly moving to receive the ball, players learn to stay engaged and active on the field.

  • Setup 

Create two lines of players.

  • Execution

Player A passes to Player B and then moves to receive a return pass.

  • Focus

This drill improves passing accuracy and player movement off the ball.

  • Application for Youth Soccer Players

This is ideal for U8 and U9 players who are just starting to understand the concept of moving after passing the ball.

Overlap Shooting Drill

The overlap youth soccer shooting drill combines passing with shooting practice, making it an excellent exercise for older youth players who need to work on finishing. This drill encourages players to think ahead and move into scoring positions.

  • Setup

Players pass the ball and then overlap the receiver.

  • Execution

After the pass, the player overlaps to get into a shooting position.

  • Focus

This drill focuses on shooting, passing, and movement.

  • Application for Youth Soccer Players

Great for U12 players who need to integrate shooting practice with passing and movement.

Triangle Passing Drill

Triangle youth soccer passing drills teach players how to support their teammates and create passing angles. This drill fosters a deeper understanding of positioning and teamwork, crucial elements of soccer.

  • Setup

Players form a triangle.

  • Execution 

Pass the ball around the triangle while moving to support each other.

  • Focus

This drill emphasizes support play, angles, and communication.

  • Application for Youth Soccer Players

Useful for all age groups as it teaches basic passing angles and support.

Quick Give and Go Overlap Passing Drill

This drill emphasizes quick touches and rapid movement, helping players develop agility and quick decision-making skills. It’s particularly beneficial for young players learning to play at a faster pace.

  • Setup

Requires a minimum of 5 players in a small grid.

  • Execution

Pass, overlap, and return pass with quick touches.

  • Focus

This drill helps improve touch, awareness, and communication.

  • Application for Youth Soccer Players

Suitable for U9 and U12 players focusing on quick passes and movement.

Give and Go Throw

Practicing give-and-go techniques with throw-ins adds variety to training sessions and teaches players to use this strategy in different game situations. It’s a practical drill that can be directly applied during matches.

  • Setup

Split the team into throwers and target players.

  • Execution

Practice give and go using throw-ins.

  • Focus

This drill enhances throw-in technique, positioning, and quick passes.

  • Application for Youth

Perfect for U8 and U9 players to practice throw-ins while incorporating give-and-go movements.

Age-Specific Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills

Age-appropriate youth soccer give-and-go drills ensure that each player’s developmental needs are met. By adapting drills for U8, U9, and U12 players, coaches can focus on the appropriate level of complexity and engagement, enhancing skill acquisition and enjoyment for all ages.

Give and Go Drills for U8

For the youngest players, keeping drills simple and fun is key. Imaginative scenarios can help maintain their interest and passion, making learning more enjoyable.

  • Simplified Give-and-Go Drills

Focus on basic passing and movement. Use fun games and activities to keep young players engaged.

  • Example

Set up a small grid and have players practice short give-and-go passes with lots of encouragement.

Give and Go Drills for U9

As players age, introducing more complex drills and small-sided games helps develop their skills further. Friendly competition can be a great motivator, encouraging players to apply what they’ve learned in a game-like setting.

  • Intermediate Give-and-Go Drills

Incorporate more movement and coordination. Introduce small-sided games that emphasize the give-and-go technique.

  • Example

Create small 2v2 or 3v3 games where players must use give-and-go passes to score.

Give and Go Drills for U12

Older youth players can handle more advanced drills that incorporate tactical elements. Video analysis can provide valuable insights and help players understand the application of give-and-go techniques in real matches.

  • Advanced Give-and-Go Drills

Implement more complex drills involving tactical elements and team play.

  • Example

Set up a full-field scrimmage and focus on using give-and-go passes to break down the defense.

Focus Areas for Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills

Effective youth soccer give-and-go drills should focus on passing accuracy, spatial awareness, and team communication. Mastering these skills helps players improve their gameplay, making them more effective and cohesive on the field.

Passing and Possession

Accurate passing and good ball possession are the foundations of successful soccer. Coaches should emphasize the importance of precise passing and maintaining control. Drills should reinforce these skills so players understand their crucial role in the game.

Awareness and Communication

For successful give-and-go plays, players must know their surroundings and communicate well with teammates. Developing a sense of where everyone is on the field and talking effectively helps coordinate movements and improve team play.

Shooting Warm-ups

Combining give-and-go drills with shooting exercises can make warm-ups more effective and fun. These drills benefit goalkeepers and outfield players by preparing them for real game scenarios.

Practical Applications of Youth Soccer Give and Go Drills

Integrate youth soccer give-and-go drills into your regular training sessions to maximize their benefits. Encourage players to use the technique during matches to maintain possession and create scoring opportunities. Emphasize the tactical advantages of quick passes and movement in game situations.

Integrating Drills into Training Sessions

A well-structured training session begins with a warm-up, progresses through specific drills, and ends with a scrimmage. This format ensures players are warmed up, practice key skills, and then apply those skills in a game-like setting.

  • Start with a warm-up that includes basic passing and movement exercises.
  • Move on to specific give-and-go drills, adjusting the complexity based on the age group.
  • End with a scrimmage where players are encouraged to use give-and-go techniques.

Using Give and Go in Matches:

During matches, coaches should encourage players to look for give-and-go opportunities. Positive feedback and highlighting successful plays can motivate players to use this technique.

  • Encourage players to look for opportunities to use give-and-go passes during games.
  • Highlight successful give-and-go plays during and after matches to show their importance.

Tactical Play:

Incorporating tactical elements into drills helps players understand how to use give-and-go passes to create space and break down defenses. Simulating game situations in practice helps players apply these skills during actual matches.

  • Teach players to use give-and-go passes to create space and break down defenses.
  • Use drills that simulate game situations to help players understand the tactical application of give-and-go techniques.


Youth soccer give-and-go drills are a vital part of any training program. They teach young players the importance of movement, communication, and teamwork. By incorporating these drills into your practice sessions, you can help your players develop the skills they need to excel on the soccer field.


How to practice youth soccer give-and-go soccer drills?

To practice give-and-go soccer drills with youth players, set up small grids with cones and have players pass the ball to a teammate and immediately move to receive a return pass. Focus on movement, timing, and passing accuracy to develop these essential skills.

How do you give good passes in youth soccer?

To give good passes in youth soccer, use the inside of your foot for control and accuracy, and always look at your target before making the pass. Regular practice of passing drills helps young players improve their technique and consistency.

When should you use the give-and-go in youth soccer?

In youth soccer, the give-and-go technique is used to maintain possession and create space, especially when trying to break through a defensive line or execute quick, attacking plays. This technique helps young players learn effective teamwork and movement.

How to increase passing accuracy in youth soccer?

Increase passing accuracy in youth soccer by practicing regularly, focusing on technique, and maintaining proper body position. Use drills emphasizing precision, such as passing through small targets or playing in tight spaces, to help young players improve.

How to control a long pass in youth soccer?

To control a long pass in youth soccer, position your body to cushion the ball, use the inside or instep of your foot to absorb the impact, and keep your eyes on the ball until it is under control. Practicing these skills helps young players handle long passes more effectively.

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