
Tips to Improve Focus and Decision-Making in Rising Stars Youth Soccer Players Aged U5-U12



Tips to Improve Focus and Decision-Making
in Rising Stars Youth Soccer Players Aged U5-U12
Youth soccer is more than just about physical fitness and skill. For players aged U5-U12, developing mental focus and decision-making abilities is crucial for their growth and success on the field. These skills allow young players to think quickly, react appropriately, and stay engaged in the game. Let’s explore some practical strategies to help improve their game’s essential aspects.

Building a Foundation of Focus
in Young Soccer Players

Mental Engagement During Training

Keeping young players mentally engaged during training is critical to improving their focus. Kids at this age can easily get distracted, so creating a training environment that keeps them involved and interested is essential. One way to do this is by making the sessions interactive. For example, involve them in activities where they have to think and react, such as mini-games or challenges requiring quick thinking.

Reading the Game

Young players need to learn to read the game, analyze where the ball is going, and be ready to act before it happens. A practical way to teach this is by encouraging them to constantly scan the field to understand the positions of their teammates and opponents.

Enhancing Decision-Making Skills
in Youth Soccer Players

Quick Decision-Making through Small-Sided Games

In soccer, making quick decisions is just as important as physical agility. A great way to enhance decision-making is by incorporating small-sided games into practice. These games involve fewer players on a smaller field, which speeds up the pace of the game and forces players to make quicker decisions. Because the game is faster, players must constantly assess the situation and decide their next move, helping them develop better decision-making skills.

Creative Drills to Challenge Young Minds

Introduce creative and challenging drills to keep young players engaged and sharpen their decision-making skills. Multi-tasking drills, where players must perform two or more tasks simultaneously, can significantly enhance their ability to make quick decisions under pressure. For example, you could have them dribble while watching their teammates’ positions or the coach’s signals.

Practical Tips
for Coaches and Parents

Encouraging Positive Feedback

Positive feedback is one of the most effective tools for building focus and decision-making skills in young players. When coaches and parents provide praise and encouragement, it boosts the child’s confidence and motivation. This, in turn, helps them stay focused during practice and games. For instance, acknowledging a player’s quick decision, even if it wasn’t the best choice, can encourage them to keep thinking and trying new strategies.

Creating a Supportive Environment

A supportive environment where coaches and parents work together can significantly improve players’ development. Communication between coaches and parents ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the child’s progress and needs. For example, if a player struggles with focus, the coach and parents can work together to create strategies that help the child improve, such as setting small, achievable goals.


Improving focus and decision-making in youth soccer players is a gradual process that requires patience, creativity, and consistent effort. By using these strategies, coaches and parents can help young players develop these crucial skills, setting them up for success both on and off the field.