
Youth Soccer Juggling Drills: The Ultimate Guide to Master Ball Control



Youth Soccer Juggling Drills: The Ultimate Guide to Master Ball Control

Soccer requires a combination of speed, skill, and precision. One of the most effective ways young players improve their ball-handling abilities is through juggling. Youth soccer juggling drills are essential for developing better ball control, coordination, and confidence on the field. This guide will explore various juggling drills, their importance, and how they can help youth players improve their game.

What is Juggling in Youth Soccer?

Before diving into the drills, let’s first understand what juggling in youth soccer means. Juggling involves keeping the ball in the air without it touching the ground, using any part of the body except the hands and arms. Typically, players use their feet, knees, and thighs to juggle.

Mastering juggling is crucial for young players because it improves their touch and ball control. Juggling may seem simple, but it requires concentration, coordination, and agility. As players practice and improve their juggling skills, they develop better handling of the ball, improving game performance.

What is the Purpose of Juggling in Youth Soccer?

The purpose of juggling in youth soccer goes beyond just showing off or having fun. It is a foundational skill that enhances a player’s ability to control the ball in various situations. Here are the main reasons why juggling is essential for young soccer players:

  1. Ball Control
    Juggling teaches players how to manage the ball with precision. The more touches a player gets on the ball, the more comfortable they become with controlling it under pressure.
  2. Foot-Eye Coordination
    Juggling improves players’ eye and foot coordination, helping them better judge the ball’s movement and adjust their body accordingly.
  3. Confidence
    Mastering juggling boosts a player’s confidence with the ball. When players know they can control the ball in the air, they are more likely to handle difficult passes and challenging situations during a match.
  4. Improves Other Skills
    Juggling is linked to several other soccer skills, such as dribbling, shooting, and passing. Players who excel at juggling find it easier to control the ball in tight spaces, receive passes, and maintain possession.

Benefits of Youth Soccer Juggling Drills

When young players consistently practice drills to improve juggling in youth soccer, they gain numerous benefits that can elevate their game. Here are the top reasons why incorporating juggling drills into practice is essential:

  1. Improved First Touch
    Juggling helps players develop a softer first touch, allowing them to control the ball better when receiving a pass. This is particularly important in fast-paced games where quick control is essential.
  2. Better Balance and Agility
    Juggling requires players to maintain balance while keeping the ball in the air. Their ability to balance on one foot while adjusting their body to the ball’s movement improves.
  3. Enhanced Ball Confidence
    Regular juggling practice helps players become more comfortable with the ball. This confidence translates into better dribbling, passing, and shooting during matches.
  4. Quicker Reflexes
    Juggling helps players react more quickly to the ball’s movement, enhancing their overall reaction time on the field.
  5. Stronger Coordination
    Juggling improves a player’s coordination between their eyes, feet, and the ball. This skill is vital for controlling the ball in various game situations.

By regularly practicing youth soccer juggling drills, young players can develop these critical skills and become more confident and capable on the field.

Best Youth Soccer Juggling Drills for Beginners

For young players new to juggling, it’s essential to start with simple drills that focus on control and balance. These youth soccer juggling drills for beginners will help players build confidence and improve their basic juggling skills.

Drill 1: The One-Bounce Juggle

  • How to Perform
    Hold the ball in your hands, drop it, and let it bounce once on the ground. Then, tap it back up with one foot. Try alternating between your right and left foot.
  • Purpose
    This drill helps players get used to controlling the ball with their feet while allowing them the security of a bounce in between.
  • Benefits
    Builds essential foot-eye coordination and balance while gradually introducing players to juggling.

This is one of the best youth soccer juggling drills for beginners because it introduces the concept of juggling without overwhelming young players. As they progress, they can gradually increase the difficulty by reducing the bounce time or removing the bounce altogether.

Drill 2: Foot-to-Foot Tap Juggle

  • How to Perform

Start with the ball on the ground and tap it between both feet, keeping the ball low to the ground. Try to maintain control without letting the ball roll away.

  • Purpose

Focuses on short, controlled touches, helping players develop quick feet.

  • Benefits

Improves a player’s ability to maintain possession and control in tight spaces.


This drill is particularly effective for building comfort with the ball, encouraging players to keep their touches small and controlled. It’s one of the most influential youth soccer juggling drills for beginners.

Drill 3: Knee-to-Foot Juggle

  • How to Perform

Juggle the ball using your knees, alternating between the right and left. Use your foot to keep the ball in the air every third touch.

  • Purpose

Enhances coordination between the upper and lower parts of the body.

  • Benefits

Improves control and helps players adjust to the ball’s movement at different heights.


This drill challenges players to use multiple body parts, improving overall coordination and ball-handling skills.

Advanced Juggling Drills in Youth Soccer

Once players have mastered the basics, they can move on to more advanced youth soccer juggling drills. These drills are designed to challenge players and refine their juggling abilities.

Drill 4: Continuous Juggling Without Bounces

  • How to Perform

Juggle the ball using alternating feet without allowing it to bounce. Start with one or two juggles and work up to several consecutive touches.

  • Purpose

This drill helps players maintain control of the ball in the air without relying on bounces.

  • Benefits

Builds consistency and enhances the ability to control the ball under pressure.


As players get better, they can try to set personal records for the number of consecutive juggles. This drill is essential for developing the consistency needed in real-game situations.

Drill 5: Juggling While Moving

  • How to Perform

Begin by juggling the ball while walking slowly forward. As you gain control, increase your speed and distance.

  • Purpose

Simulates real-game situations where players must control the ball while moving.

  • Benefits

Improves agility and control during dynamic movements.


This advanced drill challenges players to juggle while on the move, forcing them to adapt to changes in speed and direction.

Incorporating Juggling Drills in Youth Soccer Practice

Juggling drills should be a regular part of every youth soccer practice. Not only are they a fun and engaging activity, but they also serve as a great warm-up and skill-building exercise. Here’s how to incorporate juggling drills for youth soccer into daily training:

  • Warm-Up

Begin each practice session with 5-10 minutes of juggling drills. This gets players focused and ready for more intense drills.

  • Challenge the Players

Create friendly competitions to see who can get the most consecutive juggles. This adds a fun, competitive element to practice.

  • Track Progress

Encourage players to set personal goals and track their juggling progress. This can be a great way to keep them motivated.


By regularly incorporating juggling into practice, players will develop better ball control, balance, and confidence on the field.


Juggling is a fundamental skill that every youth soccer player should master. Whether for improving ball control, boosting confidence, or enhancing coordination, youth soccer juggling drills are necessary for any young player looking to take their game to the next level. From beginners to advanced players, these drills will help you get the most out of your practice sessions and improve your overall performance on the field. With consistent practice, young players will see noticeable improvements in their ability to control the ball and excel during matches.


What is Juggling in Youth Soccer?

Juggling in youth soccer is keeping the ball in the air using your feet, knees, or thighs without letting it hit the ground. It helps players develop ball control and coordination.

How Can I Improve My Juggling Skills in Youth Soccer?

To improve your juggling skills, start with basic drills like the one-bounce juggle and gradually increase difficulty. Practice regularly, focusing on control and consistency.

What are the Best Youth Soccer Juggling Drills for Beginners?

The best youth soccer juggling drills for beginners include the one-bounce, foot-to-foot tap, and knee-to-foot juggle. These drills help players build confidence and control.

What is the Purpose of Juggling in Youth Soccer?

Juggling improves ball control, coordination, and confidence in youth soccer players. It also helps them handle the ball better during games and enhances overall performance.

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